20316 10Th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 98036


Total value of the parcel on 20316 10Th Ave W, Lynnwood estimated by assessor is $856,500. This value has been taken from Lynnwood public records. This value is 34.1% higher than average parcel value in Lynnwood. The value of a residence for tax purposes is $526,500. The value of a land for tax purposes is $330,000.

Possible Residents of 20316 10Th Ave W
Kellie Campbell

View Kellie Campbell Full Report

Disclaimer: People listed above are possible residents of this address, but not necessarily of this parcel.

Fips Nr
Parcel Id
Orig Parcel Id
20316 10Th Ave W
Sub Address
Land Value
Building Value
Tax Year
Landuse Cd
Data Link
File Date
Shape Area
Shape Length
See Also
20322 10Th Ave W Value of a the land for tax purposes is $255,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $391,900 Total value for tax purposes is $646,900.
20326 10Th Ave W Parcel ID of this property is 061-01004600001000. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $552,700. The building on this parcel is worth $302,700 The land is worth $250,000.
20330 10Th Ave W Total parcel value determined by assessor is $596,000. Value of the building is $341,000. Value of the land is $255,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 061-01004600001000.
20325 10Th Ave W Value of a the land for tax purposes is $255,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $355,900 Total value for tax purposes is $610,900.
920 203Rd St Sw Parcel ID of this property is 061-01004600001000. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $628,400. The building on this parcel is worth $378,400 The land is worth $250,000.
20303 10Th Ave W Total parcel value determined by assessor is $665,600. Value of the building is $390,600. Value of the land is $275,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 061-01004600001000.
921 203Rd St Sw Value of a the land for tax purposes is $250,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $358,500 Total value for tax purposes is $608,500.
929 203Rd St Sw Parcel ID of this property is 061-01004600001000. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $591,000. The building on this parcel is worth $341,000 The land is worth $250,000.
931 203Rd St Sw Total parcel value determined by assessor is $584,500. Value of the building is $334,500. Value of the land is $250,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 061-01004600001000.
922 Lawton Rd Value of a the land for tax purposes is $250,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $341,000 Total value for tax purposes is $591,000.