1003 E Jefferson St, Seattle, WA 98122


Total value of the parcel on 1003 E Jefferson St, Seattle estimated by assessor is $1,045,000. This value has been taken from Seattle public records. This value is 23.2% lower than average parcel value in Seattle. The value of a residence for tax purposes is $1,000. The value of a land for tax purposes is $1,044,000.

Possible Residents of 1003 E Jefferson St
Gloria Olmedo
Phone Number: (206) 839-0891

View Gloria Olmedo Full Report

Disclaimer: People listed above are possible residents of this address, but not necessarily of this parcel.

Fips Nr
Parcel Id
Orig Parcel Id
1003 E Jefferson St
Sub Address
Land Value
Building Value
Tax Year
Landuse Cd
Data Link
File Date
Shape Area
Shape Length
See Also
1005 E Jefferson St Value of a the land for tax purposes is $1,113,600. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $1,000 Total value for tax purposes is $1,114,600.
1023 E Jefferson St Parcel ID of this property is 033-2197600370. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $614,000. The building on this parcel is worth $361,000 The land is worth $253,000.
1015 E Jefferson St Total parcel value determined by assessor is $613,000. Value of the building is $466,000. Value of the land is $147,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 033-2197600370.
1019 E Jefferson St Value of a the land for tax purposes is $253,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $319,000 Total value for tax purposes is $572,000.
423 A 11Th Ave Parcel ID of this property is 033-2197600370. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $470,000. The building on this parcel is worth $309,000 The land is worth $161,000.
421 B 11Th Ave Total parcel value determined by assessor is $470,000. Value of the building is $309,000. Value of the land is $161,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 033-2197600370.
421 A 11Th Ave Value of a the land for tax purposes is $161,000. Value of a the residence for tax purposes is $309,000 Total value for tax purposes is $470,000.
419 B 11Th Ave Parcel ID of this property is 033-2197600370. We don't have information about this property owner. Total assessed value of this parcel is $470,000. The building on this parcel is worth $309,000 The land is worth $161,000.
419 A 11Th Ave Total parcel value determined by assessor is $470,000. Value of the building is $309,000. Value of the land is $161,000. You can find more data about this parcel on assessor website using property id: 033-2197600370.
413 11Th Ave Value of a the land for tax purposes is $1,401,500.